Module pythoncom
A module, encapsulating the OLE automation API
- _GetInterfaceCount
- Retrieves the number of interface objects currently in existance
- _GetInterfaceCount
- Retrieves the number of gateway objects currently in existance
- CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler
- Creates an aggregatable object capable of context-dependent marshaling.
- CoCreateInstanceEx
- Create a new instance of an OLE automation server possibly on a remote machine. MS_WINCE
- CoCreateInstance
- Create a new instance of an OLE automation server.
- CoFreeUnusedLibraries
- Unloads any DLLs that are no longer in use and that, when loaded, were specified to be freed automatically.
- CoInitialize
- Initialize the COM libraries for the calling thread.
- CoInitializeEx
- Initialize the COM libraries for the calling thread.
- CoInitializeSecurity
- Registers security and sets the default security values.
- CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream
- Unmarshals a buffer containing an interface pointer and releases the stream when an interface pointer has been marshaled from another thread to the calling thread.
- CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream
- Marshals an interface pointer from one thread to another thread in the same process.
- CoMarshalInterface
- Marshals an interface into a stream
- CoUnmarshalInterface
- Unmarshals an interface
- CoReleaseMarshalData
- Frees resources used by a marshalled interface MS_WINCE
- CoGetObject
- Converts a display name into a moniker that identifies the object named, and then binds to the object identified by the moniker.
- CoUninitialize
- Uninitialize the COM libraries.
- CoRegisterClassObject
- Registers an EXE class object with OLE so other applications can connect to it.
- CoResumeClassObjects
- Called by a server that can register multiple class objects to inform the OLE SCM about all registered classes, and permits activation requests for those class objects.
- CoRevokeClassObject
- Informs OLE that a class object, previously registered with the pythoncom::CoRegisterClassObject method, is no longer available for use.
- CoTreatAsClass
- Establishes or removes an emulation, in which objects of one class are treated as objects of a different class.
- CoWaitForMultipleHandles
- Waits for specified handles to be signaled or for a specified timeout period to elapse.
- Connect
- Connects to a running instance of an OLE automation server.
- CreateGuid
- Creates a new, unique GUIID.
- CreateBindCtx
- Obtains a PyIBindCtx object.
- CreateFileMoniker
- Creates a file moniker given a file name.
- CreateItemMoniker
- Creates an item moniker that identifies an object within a containing object (typically a compound document).
- CreatePointerMoniker
- Creates a pointer moniker based on a pointer to an object.
- CreateURLMoniker
- Create a URL moniker from a full url or partial url and base moniker
- CreateTypeLib
- Provides access to a new object instance that supports the ICreateTypeLib interface.
- CreateTypeLib2
- Provides access to a new object instance that supports the ICreateTypeLib2 interface. MS_WINCE
- CreateStreamOnHGlobal
- Creates an in-memory stream storage object
- CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal
- Creates an ILockBytes interface based on global memory
- EnableQuitMessage
- Indicates the thread PythonCOM should post a WM_QUIT message to.
- Returns a new FUNCDESC object.
- GetActiveObject
- Retrieves an object representing a running object registered with OLE
- GetClassFile
- Supplies the CLSID associated with the given filename. MS_WINCE
- GetFacilityString
- Returns the facility string, given an OLE scode.
- GetRecordFromGuids
- Creates a new record object from the given GUIDs
- GetRecordFromTypeInfo
- Creates a PyRecord object from a PyITypeInfo interface
- GetRunningObjectTable
- Obtains a PyIRunningObjectTable object. MS_WINCE
- GetScodeString
- Returns the string for an OLE scode.
- GetScodeRangeString
- Returns the scode range string, given an OLE scode.
- GetSeverityString
- Returns the severity string, given an OLE scode.
- IsGatewayRegistered
- Returns 1 if the given IID has a registered gateway object.
- LoadRegTypeLib
- Loads a registered type library by CLSID
- LoadTypeLib
- Loads a type library by name
- MakePyFactory
- Creates a new PyIClassFactory object wrapping a PythonCOM Class Factory object.
- MkParseDisplayName
- Parses a moniker display name into a moniker object. The inverse of IMoniker::GetDisplayName. MS_WINCE
- New
- Create a new instance of an OLE automation server.
- ObjectFromAddress
- Returns a COM object given its address in memory.
- ObjectFromLresult
- Retrieves a requested interface pointer for an object based on a previously generated object reference.
- OleInitialize
- OleGetClipboard
- Retrieves a data object that you can use to access the contents of the clipboard.
- OleFlushClipboard
- Carries out the clipboard shutdown sequence. It also releases the IDataObject pointer that was placed on the clipboard by the pythoncom::OleSetClipboard function.
- OleIsCurrentClipboard
- Determines whether the data object pointer previously placed on the clipboard by the OleSetClipboard function is still on the clipboard.
- OleSetClipboard
- Places a pointer to a specific data object onto the clipboard. This makes the data object accessible to the OleGetClipboard function.
- OleLoadFromStream
- Load an object from an IStream.
- OleSaveToStream
- Save an object to an IStream.
- OleLoad
- Loads into memory an object nested within a specified storage object.
- Converts a CLSID string to a progID. MS_WINCE
- PumpWaitingMessages
- Pumps all waiting messages for the current thread.
- PumpMessages
- Pumps all messages for the current thread until a WM_QUIT message.
- QueryPathOfRegTypeLib
- Retrieves the path of a registered type library MS_WINCE
- ReadClassStg
- Reads a CLSID from a storage object
- ReadClassStm
- Reads a CLSID from a PyIStream object
- RegisterTypeLib
- Adds information about a type library to the system registry.
- UnRegisterTypeLib
- Removes a type library from the system registry.
- RegisterActiveObject
- Register an object as the active object for its class
- RevokeActiveObject
- Ends an objects status as active.
- RegisterDragDrop
- Registers the specified window as one that can be the target of an OLE drag-and-drop operation.
- RevokeDragDrop
- Revokes the specified window as the target of an OLE drag-and-drop operation.
- DoDragDrop
- Carries out an OLE drag and drop operation. MS_WINCE
- StgCreateDocfile
- Creates a new compound file storage object using the OLE-provided compound file implementation for the PyIStorage interface.
- StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes
- Creates a new compound file storage object using the OLE-provided compound file implementation for the PyIStorage interface.
- StgIsStorageFile
- Indicates whether a particular disk file contains a storage object. MS_WINCE
- Creates a new PySTGMEDIUM object suitable for the PyIDataObject interface.
- StgOpenStorage
- Opens an existing root storage object in the file system.
- StgOpenStorageEx
- Access IStorage and IPropertySetStorage interfaces for normal files
- Returns a new TYPEATTR object.
- Returns a new VARDESC object.
- WrapObject
- Wraps an object in a gateway.
- WriteClassStg
- Stores a CLSID from a storage object
- WriteClassStm
- Sets the CLSID of a stream
- UnwrapObject
- Unwraps a Python instance in a gateway object.
- FmtIdToPropStgName
- Convert a FMTID to its stream name
- PropStgNameToFmtId
- Convert property set name to FMTID
- int frozen
- 1 if the host is a frozen program, else 0
- int dcom
- 1 if the system is DCOM aware, else 0. Only Win95 without DCOM extensions should return 0