什么是“企业 Linux”

我看了阮一峰推荐的内容中有篇文章讲什么是“企业 Linux”(后面会附原文和中文翻译)。
RHEL 名字叫红帽企业 Linux,SLE 也是 SUSE Linux Enterprise 的缩写,我也一直好奇,这个“企业”到底是什么意思?
作者的大意,我通过 AI 总结如下:

  1. 企业 Linux 概念

    • 专门为满足企业需求设计的 Linux 发行版,具有商业支持、安全性、稳定性等特点,适用于关键业务环境。
    • 企业 Linux 发行版更适合需要长期可靠性和支持的业务环境,特别是在服务器停机时间有巨大财务影响的情况下。
  2. 关键特性

    • 商业支持:企业 Linux 提供 24/7 专业支持,包括故障排除、技术指导等,确保关键业务系统的运行。
    • 长期支持 (LTS):长期支持版本可提供长达 5-10 年的安全更新和系统增强,确保稳定性。
    • 兼容性和集成:与常见的企业硬件、数据库、应用程序兼容,经过广泛测试以确保稳定运行。
    • 认证和合规性:符合行业标准的认证,如 FIPS 140-2 和 EAL,适用于有合规要求的企业。
  3. 领先的企业 Linux 发行版

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL):开源付费服务的开创者,行业领先。
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise:历史悠久,与 RHEL 并列为企业 Linux 领域的主要参与者。
    • Ubuntu:凭借 LTS 版本及其业务订阅服务,逐渐成为企业用户的选择。
    • AlmaLinux 和 Rocky Linux:基于 RHEL 源代码构建,提供企业支持服务。
    • Oracle Linux:特别优化的内核 UEK,与 Oracle 数据库无缝集成。

Enterprise Linux Explained: Core Features and Benefits

企业 Linux 详解:核心功能和优势

Learn what Enterprise Linux is, what sets it apart, and what makes a distro 'Enterprise' in our specially dedicated article on the subject.

在我们专门针对该主题的文章中,了解什么是企业 Linux、它有何不同以及什么使发行版成为“企业”。

By Bobby BorisovOnMay 7, 2024
Bobby Borisov 2024 年 5 月 7 日

Have you ever wondered, “What is Enterprise Linux? What makes a Linux distribution ‘Enterprise’? Are Enterprise distributions better than others?” If so, you’ve come to the right place to find the answers to all these questions.

您是否曾经想过,“什么是企业 Linux?是什么让 Linux 发行版成为‘企业’?企业发行版是否比其他发行版更好?”如果是这样,那么您来对地方了,可以在这里找到所有这些问题的答案。

The Linux ecosystem is vast, including hundreds of distributions. Although some of the foundations on which the modern Linux world is built, such as Debian or Arch, are known modestly as just “GNU/Linux,” others, like RHEL, are considered part of the Enterprise class.

Linux 生态系统非常庞大,包括数百个发行版。尽管现代 Linux 世界建立的一些基础(例如 Debian 或 Arch)被谦虚地称为“GNU/Linux”,但其他发行版(例如 RHEL)被视为企业级的一部分。

Does this mean that Red Hat Enterprise Linux, for example, is generally superior to Debian? The short answer is ‘no’; the ‘Enterprise’ makes it more suitable and preferred for some use cases. Let’s first look at what qualifies a distribution as an Enterprise class.

这是否意味着 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 等通常优于 Debian?简短的回答是“不”;“企业”使其更适合某些用例并更受欢迎。让我们首先看看什么使发行版成为企业级。

What Makes a Linux Distribution ‘Enterprise’?

什么使 Linux 发行版成为“企业”?

A Linux distribution is considered ‘Enterprise’ based on several key features and qualities that align with the business environment needs, particularly in support, security, and reliability. Here are the primary factors that make a Linux distro suitable for enterprise use:

Linux 发行版被视为“企业”是基于几个与业务环境需求相符的关键特性和品质,特别是在支持、安全性和可靠性方面。以下是使 Linux 发行版适合企业使用的主要因素:

Commercial Support


The most important feature of an Enterprise Linux distro is the availability of professional, commercial support from the vendor. This support can include 24/7 troubleshooting, technical guidance, and help with system maintenance, which is essential for businesses that rely on their Linux environment for critical operations.

企业 Linux 发行版最重要的特性是供应商提供的专业商业支持。这种支持可以包括 24/7 故障排除、技术指导和系统维护帮助,这对于依赖 Linux 环境进行关键操作的企业来说至关重要。

Long-Term Support (LTS)

长期支持 (LTS)

Enterprise Linux distributions typically offer long-term support versions, which receive security updates, bug fixes, and system enhancements for extended periods (often 5-10 years). This stability is crucial for businesses that need consistent, reliable performance without frequent system upgrades.

企业 Linux 发行版通常提供长期支持版本,这些版本会在较长时间内(通常为 5-10 年)接收安全更新、错误修复和系统增强。这种稳定性对于需要一致、可靠的性能而无需频繁升级系统的企业至关重要。

Compatibility and Integration


Enterprise Linux distributions ensure compatibility and support for various hardware platforms and enterprise software. This includes extensive testing to ensure the distro works well with common enterprise hardware, databases, and applications.

企业 Linux 发行版确保与各种硬件平台和企业软件的兼容性和支持。这包括广泛的测试,以确保发行版能够与常见的企业硬件、数据库和应用程序很好地配合使用。

Certification and Compliance


Last but not least, Enterprise distributions often undergo certification processes to comply with various industry standards, such as FIPS 140-2 for cryptographic modules, Common Criteria EAL (Evaluation Assurance Level), and others. These certifications are important for businesses in regulated industries.

最后但并非最不重要的是,企业发行版通常要经过认证流程,以符合各种行业标准,例如加密模块的 FIPS 140-2、通用标准 EAL(评估保证级别)等。这些认证对于受监管行业的企业非常重要。

From what has been said above, it is clear that Enterprise Linux distributions are specifically designed to meet the needs of business users, where reliability and the possibility of timely and professional support are top priorities.

从上面所说的内容可以看出,企业 Linux 发行版显然是专门为满足企业用户的需求而设计的,可靠性以及及时和专业支持的可能性是重中之重。

Additionally, it is essential to understand that when discussing Enterprise Linux, we are talking about a well-established business model. The profits are generated not so much from the distribution itself, which is usually freely available, but from the additional services offered with it.

此外,必须了解,在讨论企业 Linux 时,我们谈论的是一种成熟的商业模式。利润并非主要来自发行版本身(通常是免费提供的),而是来自随发行版提供的附加服务。

Top-Notch Enterprise Linux Distributions

一流的企业 Linux 发行版

Let’s now explore some of the leading Enterprise Linux options businesses favor.

现在让我们来探讨一些企业青睐的领先企业 Linux 选项。

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

RHEL has been a leading name in Enterprise Linux for over two decades. Since its initial release in February 2000, after the previous free-to-use Red Hat Linux phase-out, RHEL wrote the history of paid Linux services, proving that open source can also be a profitable business model. Currently, it is the most widely used Enterprise Linux distribution.

RHEL 二十多年来一直是企业 Linux 领域的领先品牌。自 2000 年 2 月首次发布以来,在免费版 Red Hat Linux 逐步淘汰之后,RHEL 书写了付费 Linux 服务的历史,证明了开源也可以成为一种盈利的商业模式。目前,它是使用最广泛的企业 Linux 发行版。

SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE)

SUSE Linux Enterprise is the other name with the longest track record in the Enterprise Linux field. It offers two commercial versions: SLES (the server edition) and SLED (the desktop edition). However, over the years, the company has somehow always remained in the shadow of RHEL, which has dominated this sector. It is gratifying, however, that SUSE has risen sharply in popularity in recent years, making it an equal competitor to Red Hat.

SUSE Linux Enterprise 是企业 Linux 领域历史最悠久的另一个名字。它提供两个商业版本:SLES(服务器版)和 SLED(桌面版)。然而,多年来,该公司不知何故一直处于主导该领域的 RHEL 的阴影之下。然而,令人欣慰的是,SUSE 近年来人气飙升,成为 Red Hat 的劲敌。


With its introduction in 2004, Ubuntu revolutionized what Linux could offer as a desktop operating system to the average home user. Over time, Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has expanded its focus to include business users. Today, they provide various paid subscriptions and extended support for their desktop and server Ubuntu LTS releases, making it a preferred option for many businesses.

随着 2004 年的推出,Ubuntu 彻底改变了 Linux 作为桌面操作系统向普通家庭用户提供的功能。随着时间的推移,Ubuntu 背后的公司 Canonical 已将重点扩展到商业用户。如今,他们为其桌面和服务器 Ubuntu LTS 版本提供各种付费订阅和扩展支持,使其成为许多企业的首选。

AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux

We put Alma and Rocky together because they were both emerged around the same time as a response to Red Hat’s decision to phase out CentOS as a server platform. Both are built on RHEL source code, but that alone is not enough to be considered Enterprise. To fall into this category, both provide paid support services through their associated companies, with TuxCare on the Alma side and CIQ on the Rocky side.

我们将 Alma 和 Rocky 放在一起,因为它们都是在同一时间出现的,是对 Red Hat 决定逐步淘汰 CentOS 作为服务器平台的回应。两者都是基于 RHEL 源代码构建的,但仅凭这一点还不足以被视为企业版。要归入这一类别,两者都通过其关联公司提供付费支持服务,Alma 方面是 TuxCare,Rocky 方面是 CIQ。

Oracle Linux

Oracle is a name that needs no further introduction. What sets it apart, however, from other Enterprise Linux distros is the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) – a kernel explicitly developed for its Oracle Linux, designed to offer better performance, scalability, reliability, and security, particularly in demanding enterprise environments. The distribution is also fine-tuned to integrate seamlessly with Oracle Database and other Oracle-related products, making it an excellent option if your business depends on Oracle’s software.

Oracle 这个名字无需进一步介绍。然而,它与其他企业 Linux 发行版的不同之处在于 Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) - 一个专门为其 Oracle Linux 开发的内核,旨在提供更好的性能、可扩展性、可靠性和安全性,特别是在要求苛刻的企业环境中。该发行版还经过微调,可以与 Oracle Database 和其他 Oracle 相关产品无缝集成,如果您的业务依赖 Oracle 软件,它将是一个绝佳的选择。

Bottom Line


I’m sure you already have a pretty good idea of what Enterprise Linux is and what criteria a distribution must meet to fall into this category. The development of this niche is a natural progression in the evolution of Linux as a whole.

我相信你已经对企业 Linux 是什么以及发行版必须满足哪些标准才能归入这一类别有了很好的了解。这一细分市场的发展是整个 Linux 演变过程中的自然进程。

For better or worse, the early, passionate days of the 1990s, when Linux was first born from sheer enthusiasm without profit motives, are now behind us. As Linux gained recognition as a versatile server platform, it has become integral to nearly all our modern IT infrastructure.

无论好坏,20 世纪 90 年代早期的激情岁月(当时 Linux 诞生于纯粹的热情,没有盈利动机)已经过去。随着 Linux 被公认为多功能服务器平台,它已成为我们几乎所有现代 IT 基础设施不可或缺的一部分。

This widespread adoption, however, highlighted the necessity of distributions that businesses can depend on for long-term reliability and robust support. The Enterprise Linux segment is the natural answer to these needs.

然而,这种广泛的采用凸显了企业可以依赖的发行版的必要性,以实现长期可靠性和强大的支持。企业 Linux 部分是满足这些需求的自然答案。

So, to the question from the beginning, are the Enterprise Linux distributions better than the others? The answer is, as always, that it all depends on the specific goals. For individual users at home, Enterprise Linux offers little to no benefits and could even be seen as a drawback because these versions often use older software to maintain stability.

那么,对于从一开始的问题,企业 Linux 发行版是否比其他发行版更好?答案一如既往,这完全取决于具体目标。对于家庭个人用户来说,企业 Linux 几乎没有任何好处,甚至可以被视为缺点,因为这些版本通常使用较旧的软件来保持稳定性。

We should also not overlook that Enterprise Linux distributions often have heavy strings attached by the companies developing them, which sometimes impose single-minded views and preferences on the software included in them and on working with it.

我们也不应忽视,企业 Linux 发行版通常受到开发它们的公司的严格限制,这些公司有时会对其中包含的软件及其使用方式施加单一的观点和偏好。

On the other hand, betting on an Enterprise Linux distribution’s reliability and 24/7 professional support are invaluable for businesses where server downtime is measured with significant financial losses.

另一方面,对于服务器停机时间会造成重大财务损失的企业来说,押注企业 Linux 发行版的可靠性和 24/7 专业支持是无价的。

Thank you for your time! I hope this article has been helpful to you.

